The Armstrongs

Our story, the Armstrongs. My wife suffered a stroke a few years ago because of a violent crime.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

March 10th

dear everyone, the day was monday, march 6,2006. James rolled me into Lifecarewe stopped by the activities room, to check out what was on the calander for activities. nothing looked exciting; Mondays are always boring for me. I was not starting out with a positive attitude. Now it is off to the Living room(tv room really). I was parked with my back to the exit door. there was no one in there yet. I looked around and realized that two of the three couches were empty, I squirmed in my chair, wishing somebody would come in, so I could talk to them. i looked at the couch, thinking Miss Keith should be in soon, i hoped, how could i surprise her; make for a different day. I saw Zorba walk by, he is my phsyical therapist. i called for him and when he reached me I asked him if he could do me avery big favor, I said I wanted to be a real person and sit on one of the couches."Z" is a great fellow and he transfered me to the couch in front of the glass window one can see people walking past the living room in the hallway. I sat back and waited for someone. the couch was nice, slightly hard, i have a real soft one at home which does not promotes good posture). i sat and waited, one of the housekeepers came in an I always talk to her, she is very nice. Z parked my chair to the left of the couch. i neded it close to my purse, i needed to be able to reach my lipgloss. Finally what seemed like an eternity, in walks in miss Keith using her walker, she makes a cute surprised face. I pat the cushion next to me with my hand "This seat is saved for somone special!" her attending nurse, who goes every where with her help her back toward the couch. she says one of her favorite sayings "thankyou jesus." we are hip to hip on the couch I can't help but put my right arm around her and give her a squeeze (not too hard,she is fragile) I asked her what was took her so long; she had been eating breakfast. she told me she was happy someone was waiting to see her,I told her that if she was happy ,I was happy. she said that ws nice. I replied that I don't lie. she laughed and gave me a toothless grin. a few more people wandered in; two being; Charles pushing his wife's wheelchair. now i don't recall how the people we removed out of the room, but Charles ended up next to me; which i didn't mind. I asked him if i could give him a small hug, and he said yes, so I put my right arm across his shoulders. he leaned over to me and whispered he loved me,I said thank you and told him I loved him too. the three of us chated for a few minutes. it was so very nice to be sitting on the same couch with two of my favorite people(.with the exception of James). next came Sarah, the beautian, she was surprised to see me there, she smiled and asked me how I was and i looked real good sitting there. I told her i wanted to feel like a real person for a day. she told me I was a real person. I replied, that sometimes i don't feel that way. a few more residents were wheeled in.the more the merrier. the resident that was closest to me was bent over in his chair, the lap tray had to be cutting into his chest, i wanted to get someone to check on him ,but i was not in my chair. so I squirmed on the couch, trying to catch a glimpse of a nurse in the hallway behind me; it took awhile but, finally i saw someone to help, they could not straighten him up, i felt bad for him.I squirmed on the couch some more;my father use to call me a wiggle worm, when i was smaller and would squirmed On the couch. maybe there was something to that. i spent he next few hours wondering why i was not happy on that beautiful, uncomfortable couch.i couldn't wait until james came to eat lunch with me and get me off that couch. I had plenty of time to ask myself why I was so strange? if any one knows the answer to that 64 million dollar question, please let me know so I can get on with my life. take care Everyone! love, carol armstrong.